Sericulture Manipur

Government of Manipur


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The Catalytic Development Programme (CDP) is a unique and effective tool for transfer of technologies in the field evolved by Research Institutes. It is a Centrally Sponsored Scheme (CSS) started implementation during IX-Plan in the State and continues in the X-Plan with certain modifications and certain inputs but during XI Plan it will be a Project mode. The packages under CDP covers 3(three) major areas viz. Seed Sector, Cocoon Sector & Post Cocoon Sector and will be supplemented by other components of Support Services, which are common to all packages. The Programme supplements the efforts of State Governments to improve the quality and production of raw silk, besides generating employment opportunities, particularly in the rural areas. The sharing patterns of most of the Schemes are as 80%-Central, 10%-State & 10%-Benef. respectively. Some of the Schemes are shared as 90%-Central, 10% – State share whereas some of the schemes are entirely borne by CSB as 100% share.
Objectives :
The Scheme would catalyze the efforts of States to increase production of raw silk including superior quality Bivoltine Silk, increase cumulative employment opportunities particularly in the rural areas & exports by end of the XI-Plan period.
Implementing Agencies:
The Central Silk Board in collaboration with States, Non-Governmental Organizations, Self-help Groups & Co-operatives Societies etc.
Project Approach:
Unlike IX & X Plan period, the implementation of CDP during XI-Plan shall be on a Project mode with clear goals, measurable targets, resources & time schedule.
Mechanism for release of funds :
• Two committees namely (i) Apex Monitoring Committee at CSB Head Quarters and (ii) Project Monitoring Committee are proposed to be constituted to monitor/oversee the Project implementation under CDP and review of progress.
• The Project Monitoring Committee at the State Level headed by the Commissioner/Director of Sericulture of the concerned State shall formulate action plan/proposals and forward to the Apex Monitoring Committee for approval/release of funds.
• The Apex Monitoring Committee would meet and recommend the proposals to Ministry for release of funds for implementation of CDP components on quarterly basis based on achievements.
Duties & responsibility:-
1. Apex Monitoring Committee (AMC):
(i) to recommend proposals to Ministry of Textiles for release of funds for implementation of CDP components on quarterly basis.
(ii) to issue directions & guidelines from time to time to the Regional/Project Monitoring Committees on all issues regarding formulation & implementation of CDP components.

(iii) The Committee would meet once in a quarter to review/monitor the implementation of the CDP components.
2. Project Monitoring Committee (PMC):
(i) The committee would be responsible for formulation of Action Plan/proposals & send to the AMC/CSB.
(ii) The Committee would monitor the progress on implementation of CDP components in close association with District/Division/Field Level implementing agencies.
(iii) The Committee will constitute a sub-committee under the Chairmanship of Commissioner/Director of Sericulture involving CSB & State representatives to scrutinize and recommend purchase proposals in the CDP components.
(iv) The Committee will meet once in a month.
Selection of Beneficiaries/Farmers: The beneficiaries are selected based on the following criteria-
(1) The beneficiaries should have the knowledge of Silk farming by virtue of training, profession or experience.
(2) He or she should have a minimum 1 acre of land suitable to raise the high yielding varieties of Silkworm food plants.
(3) The selection of the beneficiary/NGOs/SHGs should be based on the recommendation / authentication by the village Pradhan / Zilla Parishad / Councillors / Village Authority.
(4) He or she should have a personal Bank Account.
(5) The farmers should not avail facilities earlier either from MSP or CDP or any other State Plan in the previous years.
(6) As far as practicable, DSOs should ensure that there is no duplicacy while selecting the beneficiaries in the same family or other. Rather, separate patta land should be produced for each beneficiary for plantation purposes.
(7) At least 30% of women workforce should be covered in each scheme for all districts.
(8) In case of un-interested beneficiaries showing no progress after releasing Ist instalment of subsidy, then, his/her name will be struck off from the list and the earlier released amount will be recovered from him/her as per agreement already made.
Details of CDP Schemes implemented during XII-Plan period:
Sl. No. Name of Schemes/Components Unit Cost(Rs.) Sharing pattern
( %) CSB:State:Benef.
1 Package for Seed Sector
i) Mulberry
1 Support for Basic Seed Farms 500000 80:10:10
ii) Eri

Assistance to State Deptt. for strengthening of existing Eri farm 1248000

90 :10 : 0

2 Eri private Graineurs 80:10:10
3 Equipment support to Adopted Eri Seed Rearer 16000 80:10:10
iii) Muga
1 Assistance to Muga Private Graineurs 255000
2 Assistance to State Deptt. for strengthening of Muga Seed Farm 3099000
90 :10 : 0
3 Equipment support to Adopted Muga Seed Rearer 74500 80:10:10
iv) Oak Tasar
1 Equipment support to Oak Tasar Seed Rearer 17500 80 :10 : 10

2 Support to State Oak Tasar Grainage 1500000 90:10:0
2 Package for Cocoon Sector
i) Mulberry
1 Support for Mulberry Plantation Development (Acres) 5500
80 :10 : 10
2 Assistance for irrigation (Acre). 25000 80 :10 : 10
3 Supply of Rearing Appliances(in kind) 50000 80 :10 : 10
4 Assistance for construction of Rearing Houses(RH) 175000 80 :10 : 10
5 Construction of Vermi CompostMulberry Kisan Nursery 20000 80 :10 : 10
6 Construction of Mounting Halls for Mulberry 10000 80 :10 : 10
7 Fencing in Mulberry Gardens 10000 80 :10 : 10
8 Mulberry Kisan Nursery 115000 80 :10 : 10
9 Biological inputs/Disinfection and inputs supply & Seri Poly-Clinics 150000 80 :10 : 10
10 Supply of quality Disinfecting materials 4000 80 :10 : 10
11 Assistance for Chawki rearing centre 600000 80 :10 : 10
ii) Eri
1 Augmentation of perennial Eri food plants with supply of tools(1 acres) 31000
80 :10 : 10
2 Construction of Eri Rearing Houses(nos.) 100000 80 :10 : 10
3 Nursery for Kesseru
iii) Muga
1 Raising of nursery of Muga food plants 31000
80 :10 : 10
2 Raising of Muga nursery
iv) Oak Tasar
1 Oak Tasar food plantation 49000
80 :10 : 10
2 Construction of Oak Tasar Cocoon Storage Houses(80:10:10) 100000 80:10:10
3 Package for Post Cocoon Sector
I Silk Reeling & spinning components
1 Multi-end Reeling Machines(10 ends per Basin) 1490000 80 :10 : 10
2 Support for establishment of improved Cottage Basin Reeling units 368000 80 :10 : 10
3 Assistance for Twisting Units 600000 80 :10 : 10
4 Hot Air Driers-Electrical/Multi-fuel/Ushnakotis for Reeling Units. 137000 80 :10 : 10
5 Marketing support for Cocoons & Raw Silk Demand dependant 90:10:0
6 Providing Services of Master Reelers/ Weavers 75000 100: 0:0
7 Support for Vanya Reeling/Spinning Sector
8 (a) Spinning 7000 80 :10 : 10
9 (b) Reeling -cum- Twisting 47000 80 :10 : 10
10 Quality Certification Systems for establishing Cocoon Testing Centres 200000 100: 0:0

Sl. No. Name of Schemes/Components Unit Cost(Rs.) Sharing pattern ( %) CSB:State:Benef.
II Silk weaving Components
1 Loom upgradation through Jacquards(or Dobby/pneumatic lifting mechanisms/Ball to Beam conversion device etc. 15000 80 :10 : 10
2 Computer Aided Textile Designing (CATD) 500000 80 :10 : 10
III Silk Wet Processing Components
1 Support for setting up of Common Facility Centre for Yarn dyeing/Fabric Processing
a. Arm dyeing : 50 kg. capacity 300000 80 :10 : 10
4 Support Services Sector
1 Beneficiary Empowerment Programme conducted by States & Seri related exposure visits. 5000 100: 0:0
2 Publicity for the Sector (Audiovisuals/printing/exhibitions/BSMs/Awareness programmes, workshops/seminars, etc.) Demand Dependant 90:10:0
3 Community Based Organisation(CBO) Demand Dependant 100: 0:0

Note: The Schemes implemented during X & XI Plan Period are quite similar to those of XII Plan in which the unit cost of Schemes were low as compared to that of XII Plan. Rather, additional schemes were implemented during XII Plan which were not introduced during X-& XI Plan.

Mode of Payment of Subsidy amount of Schemes to the beneficiaries, procurement of Equipment items of different Schemes and Post cocoon and Imparting of Farmers’ Training programme under Beneficiary Empowerment Programme(BEP):
The Deptt. has usually released the subsidy amount of Schemes to the beneficiaries either in the form of Individual Account Payee Cheque or directly transferred in the beneficiaries Bank’s account numbers.
For initial starting of Plantation of Silkworm food plants, Construction of Rearing Houses & Grainages, the Deptt. has released subsidy amounts of 50% or 60% as 1st installment of the total cost of Scheme. Final installment of Subsidy amount are released as and when the progress of works alongwith Photographs are submitted by the concerned District/sub-divisional Sericulture Officers to the Deptt.
Equipment items of different Schemes viz. Grainage items, Rearing items, Electrical items, wooden items, Farm implements, Sprayers & Water pump set items and Post Cocoon machine are procured by the Deptt. for distribution to the beneficiaries and use at the Govt. Farms.
The Deptt. has conducted Farmers Training programme in residential manner under BEP at S.T.C. Kwakta Centre during XI Plan(2007-08) & MSP Complex, Sangaipat during XII Plan period(2011-12, 2012-13, 2013-14 & 2014-15). Training were imparted in Sector-wise viz. Mulberry, Eri , Muga & Oak Tasar comprising of 50-60 nos. of Farmers in batches. During Training Programme special Guest Lecture were invited from Regional Tasar Research Station(RTRS), CSB, Imphal & State Department for both Theory & Practical Classes so as to give the technical know-how to the farmers.
Besides, under BEP, an Exposure visit at outside State like West Bengal & Assam conducted for only progressive farmers of Mulberry, Eri & Muga Sectors.
Details of Beneficiary Empowerment Proramme(BEP):
SL. No. Farmers’Trg.Proramme Exposure Visit
Year Sector Nos. Sector Nos.
1 2007-08 Mulberry 260 Mulberry (West Bengal) 80
-do- Eri 297 Eri(Assam) 120
2 2011-12 Mulberry 275 Mulberry (Assam) 120
-do- Eri 275 Eri(Assam) 120
-do- Muga 150 Muga(Assam) 60
3 2012-13 Mulberry 300 Mulberry(Assam) 90
-do- Eri 400 Eri(Assam) 120
-do- Muga 200 Muga(Assam) 60
-do- Oak Tasar 200 Nil
4 2013-14 Eri 250 Deptt. is ready for conducting Exposure visit.
-do- Muga 150
-do- Oak 275
5 2014-15 Eri 100
-do- Muga 40
-do- Oak 50

With the implementation of CDP Schemes, the following achievements were made in the State.
A. Total nos. of Area(Hact.) covered under Silkworm food plantation from IX Plan to XII Plan:
Sl. No. Periods/Years Mulberry(Hact.) Eri(Hact.) Muga(Hact.) Oak Tasar(Hact.)
1 IX – Plan period (2001-02) – – 20 –
2 X – Plan period(2003-04 to-2006-07) 106 188 219.2 525
3 XI-Plan period(2007-08 to 2011-12) 381.6 499.6 130 –
4 Xll-Plan period(2012-13 to 2014-15) 282 300 150 525
Total 769.6 987.6 519.2 1050

IX – Plan period:
Sl. No. Sectors Years of Implementation Total
(Hact.) Area of Implementation
1 Muga(Hact.) 20 20 Jiribam Sub-division
X-Plan Period:
Sl. No. Sectors Years of Implementation Total
(Hact.). Area of Implementation
2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07
1 Mulberry(Hact.) 29.6 40.8 26 9.6 106 In all districts
2 Eri(Hact.) 40 48 60 40 188
3 Muga(Hact.) 59.6 60.8 60.8 38 219.2
4 Oak Tasar (Hact.) 55 200 400 400 1055

XI-Plan Period:
Sl. No. Sectors Years of Implementation Total
(Hact.) Area of Implementation
2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12
1 Mulberry
(Hact.) 104 17.6 60 90 110 381.6 In all districts
2 Eri(Hact.) 237.6 0 52 100 110 499.6
3 Muga(Hact.) 0 0 30 40 60 130

XII-Plan Period:
Sl. No. Sectors Years of Implementation Total
(Hact.) Area of Implementation
2012-13 2013-14 2014-15
1 Mulberry
(Hact.) 120 130 32 282 Bivoltine Clusters at Churachandpur & Ukhrul
2 Eri(Hact.) 160 100 40 300 In all districts/sub-divisions
3 Muga(Hact.) 80 60 10 150 In all districts/sub-divisions
4 Oak Tasar
(Hact.) 80 110 20 210 Imphal East, CCpur, Kangpokpi

B. Financial Achievement during IX Plan to XII Plan:
Sl. No. Periods/Years Amount (Rs. in lakhs) Total
(Rs. in lakh)
CSB’s share State’s Share Beneficiaries’ Share
1 IX – Plan period (2001-02) 1.20 0.00 0.00 1.20
2 X – Plan period(2003-04 to-2006-07) 191.51 20.94 117.29 329.74
3 XI-Plan period(2007-08 to 2011-12) 1879.62 225.90 209.35 2314.87
4 Xll-Plan period(2012-13 to 2014-15) 2355.208 298.27 262.979 2916.458
Total 4427.538 545.11 589.619 5562.268

IX-Plan period:
Sl. No. Years Amount (Rs. in lakhs) Total
(Rs. in lakh)
CSB’s share State’s Share Beneficiaries’ Share
1 2001-02 1.20 0.00 0.00 1.20
Total 1.20 0.00 0.00 1.20

X-Plan period:
Sl. No. Years Amount released (Rs. in lakhs) Total
(Rs. in lakh)
CSB’s share State’s Share Beneficiaries’ Share
1 2003-04 23.72 2.50 15.84 42.06
2 2004-05 46.34 5.06 36.07 87.47
3 2005-06 74.51 8.19 37.57 120.27
4 2006-07 46.94 5.19 27.81 79.94
Total 191.51 20.94 117.29 329.74
XI-Plan period:
Sl. No. Years Amount released (Rs. in lakhs) Total
(Rs. in lakh)
CSB’s share State’s Share Beneficiaries’ Share
1 2007-08 527.20 62.70 61.75 651.65
2 2008-09 45.52 5.70 5.70 56.92
3 2009-10 295.60 35.70 28.90 360.20
4 2010-11 449.50 55.30 52.10 556.90
5 2011-12 561.8 66.5 60.9 689.20
Total 1879.62 225.90 209.35 2314.87

XII-Plan period:
Sl. No. Years Amount released (Rs. in lakhs) Total
(Rs. in lakh)
CSB’s share State’s Share Beneficiaries’ Share
1 2012-13 674.918 76.941 72.725 824.584
2 2013-14 1008.33 123.7396 110.964 1243.034
3 2014-15 671.96 97.59 79.29 848.84
Total 2355.208 298.27 262.979 2916.458

C. Infrastructure developed under Catalytic Developmet Programme(CDP) during IX to XII Plan:
Sl. No. Infrastructures/Particulars Periods Nos.
1 Construction of Mulberry Rearing Houses 2003-04 to 2014-15 1394
2 Construction of Eri Rearing Houses 2003-04 to 2014-15 2039
3 Construction of Muga Private Graineurs Houses 2003-04 to 2014-15 90
4 State Deptt. for strengthening of Oak Tasar Seed Grainage 2003-04 to 2014-15 4
5 State Deptt. for strengthening of Muga Seed multiplication infrastructure 2003-04 to 2014-15 4
6 Assistance to State Deptt. for strengthening of Eri Grainage 2003-04 to 2014-15 8
7 Assistance to Construction of Chawki Rearing Centre 2003-04 to 2014-15 18
9 Motorized cum pedal operated Spinning Machine 2003-04 to 2014-15 432
10 Motorized cum twisting Reeling Machine 2003-04 to 2014-15 190
11 Loom upgradation 2003-04 to 2014-15 140
12 Certified Handloom 2003-04 to 2014-15 70
13 Hot Air Driers 2003-04 to 2014-15 13

Besides, during X- Plan period, a Micro Project specially for development of Oak Tasar Culture in Manipur is being implemented by Manipur State Sericulture Co-operative Federation Ltd. (MSSCF) with financial assistance from Catalytic Development Schemes of Central Silk Board in close collaboration with Regional Tasar Research Station, Imphal at a cost of Rs. 78.09 lakhs for period of 4 years (2003-04 to 2006-07), covering 244 Oak Tasar rearers, 20 reelers and 12 spinners, besides raising 50 hactares of Q. serrata plantation on private lands.
CSB had released an amount of Rs. 40.182 lakhs, which has been fully utilized by the Implementing Agency.
The Project envisages production of 84.4 lakhs Reeling cocoons, 1.69 MT Reeled silk, 1.03 MT Spun Silk & 0.1 MT Ghicha yarn during the Project period.
During this Plan period (2008 to 2011-12), Senapati and Churachandpur districts have been identified as 2(two) Cluster Project locations in Manipur by Regional Tasar Research Station(RTRS), Imphal as proposed by the Deptt.
The Cluster will consists of 100 beneficiaries including 10 Seed Rearers (Backward linkage), 5(five) Private Graineurs (Central figure) and 85 commercial rearers (forward linkage).
The RTRS, Imphal will be the Implementing Centre in Manipur. The Central Silk Board is taking up implementation of Custer Project through CDP.
The CSB had released a sum of Rs.41,66,200/- to the State for implementation of Oak Tasar Cluster Projects at Churachandpur & Senapati District for which the state matching share of Rs.4.41 lakhs have already sanctioned by the Govt. In this regard, a sum of Rs.41,66,200/- as Central share & Rs.1,76,560/- as State share totalling to Rs.43,42,760/-(Rupees forty three lakh forty two thousand seven hundred sixty) only released in the form of Cheque from DDO’s Account to the Joint Director, RTRS, Mantripukhri, Imphal for implementation of Oak Tasar Cluster Projects at Churachandpur & Senapati Districts.
During XI- Plan period, a sum of Rs.49,98,600/- had released by CSB to the Manipur State Sericulture Co-operative Federation Ltd.(MSSCF), Imphal towards the implementation of the Project “Micro Project on development of Oak Tasar in Manipur(Phase-II).
The Central Silk Board(CSB) had released funds of Rs.4.72 crore for implementation of Bivoltine Clusters Promotion Programme(BCPP) for the year 2013-14. The Department had taken up the Bivoltine Programme at 2(two) districts viz. Ukhrul & Churachandpur.
325 acres of land was covered under Mulberry plantation at these 2(two) districts viz. 150 acres at Ukhrul and 175 acres at Churachandpur.
During the year 2014-15, the CSB had released total funds of Rs.6.73 crore for implementation of CDP Schemes in the State in which Rs.4.26 crore is for Bivoltine Clusters.
The details of area covered under Mulberry Plantation for Bivoltine Clusters are given below:
Sl. No. Year Area covered under Mulberry Plantation (Acres) Total
Ukhrul Churachandpur
1 2013-14 150 175 325
2 2014-15 40 40 80
Total 190 215 425
With the implementation of BCPP in the State, the following Raw Silk(MT) has been achieved during the year 2017-18.
SL. No. Districts Raw Silk(MT) achieved during 2017-18 Target of Raw Silk (MT) for the year 2018-19
1 Ukhrul 9.73 12.5
2 Churachandpur 10.57 12.5

G. Raw Silk Productions (MT) & Employment Generated(Nos.):
Sl. No. Periods/Years Raw Silk Production(MT) Employment Generated
Mulberry Eri
Oak Tasar
1 Xl-Plan period(Upto 2011-12) 16.781 24.801 0.816 2.309 44.707 13,895
2 XII-Plan period(Upto 2014-15) 38.678 47.918 1.096 3.007 90.699 4,840

Besides, during X- Plan period, a Micro Project specially for development of Oak Tasar Culture in Manipur is being implemented by Manipur State Sericulture Co-operative Federation Ltd. (MSSCF) with financial assistance from Catalytic Development Schemes of Central Silk Board in close collaboration with Regional Tasar Research Station, Imphal at a cost of Rs. 78.09 lakhs for period of 4 years (2003-04 to 2006-07), covering 244 Oak Tasar rearers, 20 reelers and 12 spinners, besides raising 50 hactares of Q. serrata plantation on private lands.
CSB had released an amount of Rs. 40.182 lakhs, which has been fully utilized by the Implementing Agency.
The Project envisages production of 84.4 lakhs Reeling cocoons, 1.69 MT Reeled silk, 1.03 MT Spun Silk & 0.1 MT Ghicha yarn during the Project period.

III. During the XI- Plan (2007-08 to 2011-12):-
13-Schemes have been taken up by the State Deptt. During this Plan period, the Central Silk Board had released a sum of Rs. 1879.62 lakhs as Central share and Rs. 225.90 lakh had sanctioned by the State Government as State matching for implementation of CDP Schemes. The physical & financial achievements during the Plan period are as detailed as below:
Physical Achievement :
Sl. No. Area covered under food plants
Hactares) Years of Implementation Total
(Nos.) Area of Implementation
2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12
1 Mulberry
(Acres) 260 44 150 225 275 954 In all districts
2 Eri(Acres) 594 0 130 250 275 1249
3 Muga(Acres) 0 0 75 100 150 325

Financial Achievement:

Sl. No. Years Amount released (Rs. in lakhs) Total
(Rs. in lakh)
CSB’s share State’s Share Beneficiaries’ Share
1 2007-08 527.20 62.70 61.75 651.65
2 2008-09 45.52 5.70 5.70 56.92
3 2009-10 295.60 35.70 28.90 360.20
4 2010-11 449.50 55.30 52.10 556.90
5 2011-12 561.8 66.5 60.9 689.20
Total 1879.62 225.90 209.35 2314.87

(ii) Infrastructure developed during Xl- Plan:
Sl. No. Sectors Years Total
2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12
1 Mulberry Rearing Houses 260 44 150 225 275 954
2 Eri Rearing Houses 594 Nil 130 250 275 1249
3 Chawki Rearing Centre 1 Nil Nil 2 10 13
4 Muga Private Grainage Houses Nil Nil 10 30 10 50
5 State Eri Grainage 1 Nil 1 2 1 5
6 State Muga Farm cum Grainage 1 1 2

(iii) Post Cocoon Infrastructure to be developed during Xl Plan:
Sl. No. Sectors Years
2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12
1 Multi-end Reeling machine 1 Nil 1
2 Twisting Unit 1 1 2
3 Cottage Basin Reeling Units 1 7 5 13
4 Hot Air Driers 7 6 13
5 Cocoon Testing Centre 1
6 Yarn dyeing-25 kg 2 2 4
7 Computer Aided Textile Designing 1 1 2
8 Motorized Spinning machine 100 69 63 100 100 432
9 Motorized Reeling machine 50 50 40 50 190
10 Loom Upgradation Nil 25 5 50 50 130
11 Certified Handlooms 15 35 20 70

During this Plan period (2008 to 2011-12), Senapati and Churachandpur districts have been identified as 2(two) Cluster Project locations in Manipur by Regional Tasar Research Station(RTRS), Imphal as proposed by the Deptt.
The Cluster will consists of 100 beneficiaries including 10 Seed Rearers (Backward linkage), 5(five) Private Graineurs (Central figure) and 85 commercial rearers (forward linkage).
The RTRS, Imphal will be the Implementing Centre in Manipur. The Central Silk Board is taking up implementation of Custer Project through CDP.
The CSB had released a sum of Rs.41,66,200/- to the State for implementation of Oak Tasar Cluster Projects at Churachandpur & Senapati District for which the state matching share of Rs.4.41 lakhs have already sanctioned by the Govt. In this regard, a sum of Rs.41,66,200/- as Central share & Rs.1,76,560/- as State share totalling to Rs.43,42,760/-(Rupees forty three lakh forty two thousand seven hundred sixty) only released in the form of Cheque from DDO’s Account to the Joint Director, RTRS, Mantripukhri, Imphal for implementation of Oak Tasar Cluster Projects at Churachandpur & Senapati Districts.

During XI- Plan period, a sum of Rs.49,98,600/- had released by CSB to the Manipur State Sericulture Co-operative Federation Ltd.(MSSCF), Imphal towards the implementation of the Project “Micro Project on development of Oak Tasar in Manipur(Phase-II).